Yes, the preferred IP address was set (using hostname/IP address pairs). I have no indication of name resolution issues, ie. the LAN interfaces of the filers are statis DNS entries, and the iSCSI IP addresses are set using the filer preferred IP addresses in SnapDrive.
Best regards, Filip
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Jack Lyonsjack1729@gmail.com wrote:
Did you set the prefered filer IP address in snapdrive config. Did you setup your iscsi target using hostname or ip's, could there be name resolution issues?
Filip Sneppe wrote:
Yes, all hosts are on the same subnet, no jumbo frames are involved, and for iSCSI, single_image mode isn't really relevant...
Best regards, Filip
On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Jack Lyonsjack1729@gmail.com wrote:
We are about to implement a new SQL 2005 (x64) on NetApp so I will follow this thread pretty closely. We have built a few virtual-virtual active-active clusters and virtual-physical active-active clusters for in house developed software with no issues.
I assume that the iscsi NIC is on the same segment as the storage? I assume you are not using jumbo frames? I assume your netapp cluster is configure for single image mode?
Raj Patel wrote:
We've had a couple of cluster-failover events on our FAS270c (watchdog errors every time) on
The failover is fine (AFAIK) when one of the nodes reboots - however in the Giveback it appears that the SQL server has a couple of initiator errors events logged and although the drives are visible (and working in terms of I/O) and the SQL services are still running any SQL dependent applications just don't work after the giveback. As soon as I stop/start the SQL services its all back to normal (or I reboot the box).
Server is Windows 2003sp2, its a VM on ESX3.5, the iSCSI interface goes through a dedicated iSCSI NIC (a virtual switch which also carries the ESX iSCSI LUN's) Snapdrive is 6.01, iSCSI initiator is 2.03 and its a 32bit VM.
Oddly Exchange didn't miss a beat (they're physical Windows 2008 64 bit servers) but SQL was definitely unhappy (even though the SQL service itself carried on - ie it didn't stop).
Any ideas ? I note theres a newer iSCSI initiator available (2.08) from Microsoft. I'm pretty sure we haven't had this Giveback issue with our old SnapDrive 4.2.1 setup on the same server.
Thanks in advance, Raj.