in response to requests, there's now a toasters archive. . fwiw, that's a new dns record which i just made, so it might take a while for the new record to propagate around to you all.
at the moment, the archive will be updated when i get around to it. i'll probably automate that at some point. there's no mechanism for submitting a post to toasters without having it archived, and i'll get around to doing that if enough people ask me.
Tom Yates - Unix Chap - The Mathworks, Inc. - +1 (508) 647 7561 MAG#65061 DoD#0135 AMA#461546 1024/CFDFDE39 0C E7 46 60 BB 96 87 05 04 BD FB F8 BB 20 C1 8C "Microsoft (tm) is a single-sofa supplier"