Hey Steven
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 13:19, Steve Losen scl@sasha.acc.virginia.edu wrote:
I am going to create a vif using two interfaces (e0a and e0c). The IP address of e0a is going to be the IP for the vif, e0c is not in use.
What type of VIF are you creating?
I was hoping to do this without shutting down, and disrupt connections on that IP for just a few seconds.
Do I need to "ifconfig down" e0a before running "vif create" ?
Yes. Also, the mac-address associated with the IP may change.
For speed and accuracy, I will put the commands in a file beforehand and run it with "source".
The switch is configured, but I have to move the cables to the configured ports. Should I do this before running "vif create" ?
Depends on the type of vif. In case of a single or lacp, you should do this before creating the vif, however, with a multi you should not, as you risk losing up to 50% of your packets.
This is a clustered pair, so I will be doing this on both filers. Any clustering issues to worry about? Should I "cf disable" before and "cf enable" after to avoid any unwanted fail overs?
Again, depends if you have cluster failover on network failure on. Best is to switch this off during these kinds of actions to avoind unwanted takeovers (which will return the filers to their original network config.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how best to do this.
Whatever you do, do not forget to change the /etc/rc to reflect the changes. If you do forget, your filer will be lost after a reboot.