On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, David Lee wrote:
We are planning a network upgrade, which gives us a chance to do this bonding/trunking to a logically linked pair of switches (Cisco 3750E) that operate as a single virtual switch, using "MEC". (The theory is that if a switch in the MEC-pair fails, the bond/trunk link continues working through the other switch, albeit with degraded throughput.)
Does anyone know whether MEC does/doesn't (will/won't) work? Is there anything MEC-specific that needs to be done in NetApp? Issues? (Other questions I should be asking? Etc.)
It's not possible to do cross-chassis LACP / PAGP, on stacked 3750Gs at least. The switches will tell you that all ports must be on the same physical switch (and give you a maximum of 12 port-channel interfaces, which for a 24 port switch makes sense).
Etherchannel *is* possible however. The cisco side of things is pretty straightforward. I'm using it for a few 7200 routers rather than a NetApp so I can't offer any advice on that side.