"Ernst.Bokkelkamp" == Bokkelkamp Ernst Ernst.Bokkelkamp@mch10.sbs.de writes:
Ernst.Bokkelkamp> I hate to say this, but I am considering leaving the Ernst.Bokkelkamp> list. I have been silently in the background for a Ernst.Bokkelkamp> long time because of not having a toy, I mean filer, Ernst.Bokkelkamp> to play with but it looks that the mailing list is Ernst.Bokkelkamp> currently being abused. I already have one yahoo Ernst.Bokkelkamp> account blocked, but it becomes a bit more difficult Ernst.Bokkelkamp> with the latest message from Jinjiang Shengyi Shoes Ernst.Bokkelkamp> Co., Ltd. (Manufcturer).
Understandable. Up until recently, we were clean, but slowly we've been getting hit more often. Since I no longer work at the MathWorks, I haven't been in a position to easily change the list config to stop the spam. However, since people *are* griping about it, I'll harass the folks still there (Hi Todd and Carl :-) to make some changes for me.
In particular, I'm going to disallow posting to the list from any address that isn't a subscriber. Ie, if you receive toasters mail to an address that's different from the one you post with, it'll get blocked. Email owner-toasters and I'll add it to the list...
To be fair to people that don't read often (and because I'm moving to a new apartment), I'll make this change next week. People are welcome to offer up any other suggestions...
K. owner-toasters