On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Brian Rice wrote:
I've started seeing exactly this sort of failure in rm -rf's as of 5.3.2D3.
rm: Unable to remove directory foo/bar/baz/gorp: File exists rm: Unable to remove directory foo/bar/baz: File exists rm: Unable to remove directory foo/bar: File exists rm: Unable to remove directory foo: File exists
Since my original mail I've discovered that the problem is also occuring on another filer which is still running 5.2.2P1. I'm now wondering if it's more related to running Solaris 2.7 - the Sun system on which we now regularly see the problem was upgraded to 2.7 a few weeks ago.
We specifically see the problem removing old, unused user home directories - no chance of any files being open.
Dave Atkin ------------------------------------------------------ Dave Atkin, Head of Technical Services Computing Service, University of York, YORK YO10 5DD Phone: +44-1904-433804 (ddi) Fax: +44-1904-433740 Email: D.Atkin@york.ac.uk ------------------------------------------------------