Hello All,
We're in the initial stages of planning an upgrade of our v3170 pair (a 3Par T800 behind it) from to (probably) 8.1P2 7-mode or higher. Our reasons include larger aggregates, some better troubleshooting tools that NetApp has told us will help figure out some ongoing issues, and especially a hoped-for performance improvement due to more legacy code having been updated to fully use multiple procs instead of living in the Kahuna namespace and locking onto CPU3. Again, this is what we've heard from the vendor.
Can anyone offer experience with performance changes when upgrading from 7.x to 8.1? Ignoring the performance problems (I've seen a couple of KB articles) that are fixed by P2? Anecdotal experience would be a start but real numbers would be outstanding.
Hope to hear from you,
Randy Rue