On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:38:42PM -0500, Bui, Marcus wrote:
I am in search of a application to monitor two F760s. ApplianceWatch can monitor the filers but it runs on HP OpenView. However, I don't have a test environment with OpenView at the moment. Is there other alternative that is comparable to ApplicianceWatch?
If you're a BMC Patrol user, it looks like you now have the option of "Patrol for Network Appliance Filers": http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/000913/ca_network_2.html
but the filer is actually pretty good about allowing you to set it up to self monitor (both the system health trap, and your own custom alarm thresholds) and then send an SNMP trap to any trap receiving system you happen to have. No need for proprietary stuff.
(BTW, good to see the 800 Series launched - I'm surprised it hasn't gotten a mention here: http://www.netapp.com/news/press/news_rel_20000912.html
and OnTAP 6.0 too. The Netbench figures blow away that tiny Compaq box, unsurprisingly, and 14 of these would blow away the Celerra 14 CPU, 14 Filesystems cluster if the SFS numbers are to be believed.)