Perhaps I missed something, but does anyone know of any useful commands for determining snapmirror performance? I'm currently running 5.3.5R2.
toaster1.iad> vol snapmirror status Source Dest Status toaster2.snv.xxxx:vol1 toaster1.iad.xxxx:vol2 Transferring (1% complete) toaster1.snv.xxxx:vol1 toaster1.iad:xxxx:vol1 Transferring (0% complete)
This isn't exactly useful data, as they seem to almost always be at 0%, though I rarely ever see 'mirror postponed' messages, which inclines me to think that progress is being made in a timely manner. Updates are every 2 hours, and for two small-delta 60gv volumes, I figure it should be idle a fair deal of the time.
I can watch recent snapshots show up on the snapmirror dest, but this is the only indication I have that its working at all.
The main point of concern, is that Snapmirror dest filer has about 3300 miles between it and the source -- so we are much more susceptible to quirks in the public network than one would encounter in a lab environment or even corporate WAN.
The best data I could find was from the snapmirror ops guide, which suggest looking at the snap list on the source filer --
SnapMirror generated Snapshots should have the name of the destination SnapMirror volume appended with a counter. By coordinating the snapmirror.conf file with the time stamps shown in the snapshot listing, you should be able to determine whether or not SnapMirror is generating Snapshots as scheduled
..this seems pitifully inadequate -- something akin to calculating your nfs ops/s by dividing nfsstat -s by uptime whenever you wanted to know.
I've got syslog tweaked up to *.info, which hasn't given me much more than statd reports.
Is there something better? Something that atleast shows some simple counters like:
toasterN> vol snapmirror status -v
Volume Source vol1 toaster1:vol1 Current status: idle Updates since reconfig: 94127 Failed updates: 5 Postponed updates: 17 Last successful update: Jun 16 15:12 (45m ago) 1251k, 15 minutes (1.39 KB/s) Average: 4912k, 22 minutes (3.70 KB/s)
This would actually give something that snapmirror.conf's could be tuned with. Informative data to syslog would be good as well, use a local facility for it, and for those of us with >1hr replications could actually check progress via logs.
Given the price tag on this option, I made the obviously foolish presumption that there would be sufficient tools to monitor progress and performance, especially in the light of its branding as a 'Disaster Recovery' solution..
Wishing I'd stuck to it and put the database on EMC w/ Oracle replication,