Steve, what are the switches invlved here?
I actually had issues with a cisco 3750 recently that would refuse to do a proper LACP to ONTAP 7.3.3. I ultimately used the Cisco4948-10g next to it and it worked fine.
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Steve Losen wrote:
We are trying to use best practices for setting up a CF pair of FAS6040s on a VMWARE data network, but are having problems. Nothing on the data network can ping the netapp heads nor can the heads ping each other over the data network.
The switch administrator has verified that the switch stack is configured correctly. He says the switch reports that the netapps have not negotiated LACP yet.
I want to run by our netapp config commands to verify that I haven't missed any commands or done them in the wrong order.
The switch is a stack of two units. One head is supposed to favor one unit and the other head is supposed to favor the other unit.
Here are the rc commands.
vif create lacp vifb -b ip e0b e6b vif create lacp vifc -b ip e0c e6c vif create single vif0 vifb vifc # favor switch unit 1 vif favor vifb vlan create vif0 201 202 ifconfig vif0-201 netmask partner vif0-201 ifconfig vif0-202 netmask partner vif0-202
On the other head I have this:
vif create lacp vifb -b ip e0b e6b vif create lacp vifc -b ip e0c e6c vif create single vif0 vifb vifc # favor switch unit 2 vif favor vifc vlan create vif0 201 202 ifconfig vif0-201 netmask partner vif0-201 ifconfig vif0-202 netmask partner vif0-202
We are running ONTAP 7.3.2. Does this look correct?
ifconfig -a shows that all the physical interfaces have negotiated auto-1000t-fd-up full duplex
ping (from fails and vice versa.
To troubleshoot this, I think I will delete all the vifs, create vifc again, and put the VLANs on it and put the IPs on vifc-201 and vifc-202 and see what that gets me.
Steve Losen phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support