I post this here in case you guys at NetApp have not seen it.
Network Appliance should donate a filer (Score:1) by Okijames (309689) on Tuesday March 15, @11:00AM (#11943572)
Network Appliance a.k.a NetApp is noticeably absent from the OpenBSD donations page (www.openbsd.org/donations.html). Anyone who uses a NetApp knows immediately that the OnTap OS is BSD, always has been BSD.
Considering the Billions (yes, Billions) of dollars in revenue NetApp has derived from the BSDs, I am appalled at the company's lack of contribution back to the BSD community!
Considering that a good number of their founders, engineers, and developers were educated at Berkeley (yes the B in BSD), I am doubly appalled at the company's lack of contribution!
Now OpenBSD is looking for some storage and NetApp sits by while a POS Dell array is considered? You know, Dell, as in EMC's (NetApp's biggest competitor) biggest partner!
HELLO? NetApp? HELLO? You should make sure that all the BSDs host their CVS repositories on NetApp, a nice BSD based platform.
FWIW... Yes, I contribute. I have standing subscriptions and kick in a few extra bucks when needed.
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