Has anybody had any success using a 630 as a back end for inn? We are experiencing some horrible thruput issues with large files. The Inn machine is a multi processor sparc 20s w 512 meg ram running 2.6.
Nettapp is a 630 8meg nvram 256meg system ram 100bt full duplex connection between the sparc and the netapp. System load is around 10% Systat 1 shows writes are flushed at around 10 sec intervels, cache age is sitting between 11 and 20.
To quote my sys admin.
"When INN writes an article, it opens it (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC), fills the buffer, then writev's to write out the buffer.
This works great on small files, but large files are making the writev just hang for a second or so (not coincidentally at the same time that the dnewslink process sleeps in diablo).
I tried changing the open to O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, but apparently non-blocking writes don't happen over NFS.
Anyway, the key to solving this is getting the Netapps to write big files faster. Any ideas?"
David Power V-P Operations Insync Internet Services Inc.