Couldn't find any reference to this error message on NOW:
Sun Feb 4 23:47:00 EST [drp-na1: worker_thread:error]: snapmirror: Filesystem version mismatch for destination volume nocna1_vol0, reverting the version and aborting transfer. SnapMirror will retry until this revert is complete.
That appears on a destination F840 running 6.0.1R1. Volume /vol/nocna1_vol0 on the F840 is large enough and is marked offline. "snapmirror status" shows:
Source Dest Status drp-na1:nocna1_vol0 Idle
Filer is an F740 running 5.3.6R2. It prints this to syslog:
Sun Feb 4 23:29:18 EST [worker_thread]: snapmirror: Destination drp-na1 could not accept a complete transfer Sun Feb 4 23:49:18 EST last message repeated 20 times
What is this about filesystem versions? Is the F840 doing something about it on /vol/nocna1_vol0? How can I check on the progress of this revert operation?
I guess I should be asking: are 5.3.x and 6.0.x snapmirrors compatible? The 6.0 Data Protection Guide doesn't mention caveats or incompatibilities.