On 05/18/98 09:14:26 you wrote:
sirbruce@ix.netcom.com wrote:
Okay, I was just curious. Most places I've seen aren't as "religious" about the use of NTP. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :)
NTP is integral to keeping the NYSE, SIAC, and Amex clocks in sync. We use it on everything so that all trading is accurate on all systems to within milliseconds of each other, which is crucial when billions of messages have to be ordered, stored, processed, and then compared at the end of the trading day.
I can imagine! The demands there are much different from a college campus or a departmental server in a small corporation. Different environments need different solutions.
I think all these posts are great - the more Netapp knows about customer desire for this, the more likely they are to implement the feature. It certainly seems more widespread than the last time I saw the question asked (although this mailing list doesn't exactly constitute a scientific survey).