Generally speaking, no. If you are moving from 6.0.x to 6.1.x you will not need the boot disk.
* You should be root for these instructions. *For UNIX admin host you will first need to untar the systems file. This should be in a file called something like 611R2_sysfiles_a.tar. This will extract two files, install_netapp and tar_image. - The install_netapp file is a bourne shell script. - The tar_image is a tar file containing all of the system files. * Mount your root volume at the root level. - mount /mnt * Execute the install script - ./install_netapp -k /mnt - The -k option keeps the two files extracted from the sysfiles tar ball. If you omit this option, it deletes these two files when it complete. Keeping these two files makes it quicker if you need to update more than one filer. * You will see a lot of information cross your screen during the install. This is normal * Once the install script if finished, telnet to the filer and enter the command "download" - filer> download * I do not remember if the reboot is automatic at the end of the process or manual. It has been a while since I did an OS upgrade. If the reboot is not automatic, reboot the filer. Since there is a reboot involved, I suggest performing the upgrade during a slow time off hours. Depending on your filer configuration, the reboot process takes about two minutes.
Walt Zapor wrote:
We want to upgrade also, - have got the downloads but what did you use for a step-by-step guide?
Its our first time on our first filer and the docs that come with the upgrade are vague. For instance what do we do with the 4 boot disks. Are they used for the upgrade process?