After Mr. Thompson's excellent suggestion of yesterday, we are already working on integrating the customer surveys with the case information on our NOW site.
For example.. You receive a message about a survey, click on the link, login to NOW, and the case information is there and a place where you can fill out the survey with your comments.
Customer feedback is EXTREMELY important to us. I really can't stress how vital it really is. You should *NEVER* get "okay" support from Network Appliance.. It should always be AT LEAST "good".
Regrettably, if you only get "okay" support, we have no way of knowing if you don't fill out the survey. :) But it is our mission to "Simplify the Customer Experience," and this is an excellent point.
Click.. Fill out survey.. Click..
<makes sense to me..>
- Justin
-----Original Message----- From: Stuart Lefort [] Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 11:46 AM To: 'Mohler, Jeff'; 'Sullivan, Justin'; 'Chris Thompson'; Subject: RE: "Case survey" stuff from NetApp
Not true Jeff.
I discard the surveys - always. Reason. Insufficient information to describe what this case is about. I would prefer the email had a link I could click on that would take me back to the case so I could be recall the case - then allow a rating right then and there.
Alternatively, the email could have MORE case information in it - and I would reply to that. But I won't reply to something where I no longer recall the facts.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Mohler, Jeff Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:44 PM To: Sullivan, Justin; 'Chris Thompson'; Subject: RE: "Case survey" stuff from NetApp
I would think that it would take more of my time, to load up the WWW browser to work it there, than to insert five numbers between the ()'s.
-----Original Message----- From: Sullivan, Justin [] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 1:22 PM To: 'Chris Thompson'; Subject: RE: "Case survey" stuff from NetApp
Capital idea..
We would certainly like to have more surveys returned - we should like to see EVERY survey returned.
You have an excellent point - why not have a web-based survey form? Easy, friendly, quick.. Back in the days when I was a NetApp customer, I admit, I threw them away too - too much trouble to fill out the e-mail form; who has that kind of time anymore?
I have passed your idea along to the folks in Customer Satisfaction who can make this happen.
--- Justin Sullivan Network Appliance, Technical Support Engineer Network Appliance Certified Associate Get answers NOW! - NetApp On the Web - Tech Support Hotline: 1-888-4NETAPP
-----Original Message----- From: Chris Thompson [] Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 3:04 PM To: Subject: "Case survey" stuff from NetApp
What do you do with the the e-mail that arrives from after a problem is closed with NetApp, inviting you to fill in a "5 STARS Survey" form? I admit I throw them in the e-wastebin.
It seems to me that providing only a method of returning these (probably only marginally meaningful) answers by e-mail is absolutely pessimal. If they really want to increase the response rate, surely NetApp should provide a method using forms at My vague recollection is that at one time a WWW-browser-based method was offered, but this doesn't seem to be the case now.
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service, Email: New Museums Site, Cambridge CB2 3QG, Phone: +44 1223 334715 United Kingdom.