On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 8:40 AM, Hadrian Baron Hadrian.Baron@vegas.com wrote:
I wouldn't use the 10xxx byte value, since most clients won't support that.. You should attempt to keep all MTU settings the same - ie keep the filer at 9000, and all iSCSI attached clients at 9000. It optimizes the network traffic.
- Hadrian
Quick question to all the networking gurus on this list. Is there a performance impact if the filer and the clients have different MTU sizes defined. Also is there a way to check this. Our filers all have jumbo frame MTU set to 9000, but for some reason our solaris admin chose to set them on his side to 9194. ifstat on the filer interfaces don't show any errors/discards or retransmits. Example:
-- interface e4c (72 days, 8 hours, 38 minutes, 9 seconds) --
RECEIVE Frames/second: 2285 | Bytes/second: 2805k | Errors/minute: 0 Discards/minute: 0 | Total frames: 2946m | Total bytes: 5787g Total errors: 0 | Total discards: 31 | Multi/broadcast: 0 No buffers: 14 | Non-primary u/c: 0 | Tag drop: 0 Vlan tag drop: 0 | Vlan untag drop: 0 | CRC errors: 0 Runt frames: 0 | Fragment: 0 | Long frames: 0 Jabber: 0 | Alignment errors: 0 | Bus overruns: 17 Queue overflows: 0 | Xon: 0 | Xoff: 0 Jumbo: 734m | Reset: 0 | Reset1: 0 Reset2: 0 TRANSMIT Frames/second: 936 | Bytes/second: 5467k | Errors/minute: 0 Discards/minute: 0 | Total frames: 1187m | Total bytes: 7680g Total errors: 0 | Total discards: 0 | Multi/broadcast: 228k Queue overflows: 0 | No buffers: 0 | Max collisions: 0 Single collision: 0 | Multi collisions: 0 | Late collisions: 0 Timeout: 0 | Xon: 0 | Xoff: 0 Jumbo: 919m LINK_INFO Current state: up | Up to downs: 9 | Auto: on Speed: 1000m | Duplex: full | Flowcontrol: none