I work with a team of Windows Server admins who are open to provisioning their own storage but strongly prefer a GUI. I'd like to provide this ability by granting System Manager access to the specific SVM's that host their resources.
Much to my chagrin, it doesn't appear RBAC allows for System Manager access to particular SVMs. Instead, privileges must be granted at the cluster level which of course means those privs are effective for all data SVMs (this is a non-starter).
Per NetApp docs, my only option appears to be SVM level RBAC privs via SSH. Not quite the GUI option they are looking for but, organizationally, we're making a push for more automation and use of Ansible so it's not completely out of the question.
Is there an angle Im not considering that would allow for SVM level access via System Manager? Has anybody else come up with creative ways to address this problem?
I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks, Phil