"Timothy A. McCarthy" wrote:
Some things to *try*
- Make sure (2.6) patch 105720-08 or later is in place.
# ls -ld /var/sadm/patch/105720* drwxr-x--- 2 root other 512 Apr 14 1999 /var/sadm/patch/105720-06 drwxr-x--- 2 root other 512 Sep 8 1999 /var/sadm/patch/105720-08 drwxr-x--- 2 root other 512 Feb 9 12:28 /var/sadm/patch/105720-11
Some time has passed since I installed that patch. No help for my situation.
- Make the following changes in /etc/system on solaris 2.6 clients:
set ncsize=8000 set nfs:nfs3_max_threads=24 set nfs:nfs3_nra=10 set nfs:nfs_max_threads=24 set nfs:nfs_nra=10
I already explored changing these NFS options, to no avail. I have them at defaults again. Another stated that they have no effect on client operations. In my case, I agree.
This host has 1024MB RAM. ncsize would therefore default to 17498. Why would _reducing_ it improve client performance?
- Turn large packet support on the filer: oprions nfs.udp.xfersize 32768
If you must use NFSv2, the changes above may also help, but obviously the spec for V2 won't allow greater values than 8K for rsize/wsize.
nfs.udp.xfersize 32768 (shared in takeover)
Also set long ago.
- There may be a few other things to try, but for the most part, these are the majors.
- unmount from the filer and remount with default values. You should end up
with a vers3 mount with 32K sizes for rsize & wsize.
And my news spools will crawl, interactive performance deteriorates and service times in iostat skyrocket. Even with smaller packet sizes and UDP. I _must_ run NFSv2 to get tolerable performance.