The seems to be a big difference in how a 5.1.2R3 system with 4GB disks and a 5.3.4R2 system with 36BG disks adds a spare disk to a volume.
With 5.1.2R3 you get a message to the effect of: Zeroing disk, this will take forever, check progress with sysconfig -r
With 5.3.4R2 it happens right away, no delay.
Clearly this is great, however we wonder exactly when the zeroing took place (this is a brand new system just installed yesterday). Do the disks come zeroed from the factory? Or, does the system zero the drive when the drive is installed as a spare?
----- Stephen C. Woods; UCLA SEASnet; 2567 Boelter hall; LA CA 90095; (310)-825-8614 Finger for public key,Internet mail:scw@SEAS.UCLA.EDU