For those who don't have Sunsolve:
Bug Id: 4081315 Category: kernel Subcategory: tcp-ip State: closed Synopsis: Logical interface addresses are used as IP source addresses. Description:
A number of people with webservers and such with multiple interface addresses for each physical interface found on upgrading to Solaris 2.6 that the behaviour of these interfaces has changed.
In Solaris 2.5.1 and before, the local address used for outgoing connections would always be the physical (primary, logical unit :0) address. In Solaris 2.6 this behavious has changed; the kernel now alternates between addresses.
If the "group ifs" are disabled, the kernel will pick one address at random and use that.
For a number of sites this is a big problem:
- filtering on source addresses (e.g., use of remote sunsolve) - NFS exports (now potentially thousands of address aliases must be added to the export list of servers serving these clients)
Using interface groups for locgical interfaces seems to serve no useful purpose. Not being able to turn this behaviour of is even worse.
BTW, the only change you get with "ndd -set ip_enable_group_ifs 0" is that the addresses are no longer rotyated; instead a random one is picked. Work around:
Integrated in releases: Duplicate of: 4077132 Patch id: See also: Summary: