"Jim McCoy" writes:
You really don't even need to boot floppy (search for the the "floppy-boot?" setting in the boot system) if you are in a hurry. The prev_cp works for 5.x as well but it is a bit of a hack to do this sort of a restore (OTOH I doubt that the "snaprestore" is anything more than a wrapper over prev_cp which masks out the checkpoints stored in the NVRAM log.)
Do you know an easy way to unset floppy-boot? on a running machine, without halting back to `ok '?
If there isn't a way at the moment, I recommend that NetApp implement something a la Solaris' ``eeprom'' command, which allows modifying OpenBoot environment variables, and is really handy when you don't want to take a machine down to change stuff, or you can't get to the console due to unforseen problems (such as when you terminal concentrator locks up that port :( ).