Here's a fairly quick and automatic way to get your qtree quotas from a unix admin host. It consults /etc/quotas to get your qtrees and runs a quota report for each qtree, which is a lot faster than generating the big quota report for the whole filer, especially if you have a lot of users.
awk '$2 == "tree" && $1 != "*" { print("quota report", $1) }' \ /filer-root/etc/quotas > /filer-root/etc/tmp/qtscript
rsh filer source /vol/vol0/etc/tmp/qtscript | grep '^tree'
This assumes that your filer is running a recent enough release of ONTAP to have the "source" command. If it doesn't, you can have the awk script do this:
print("rsh filer quota report", $1)
and then run the resulting script file through a unix shell.
Steve Losen phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support