Sounds like a SSH server-side bug(s). I bet if the NetApp were rebooted, the problem would go away...
at least for a while. I Faintly recall some SSH bugs in earlier releases (like 7.x) that sounded exactly like what you are seeing.
Might be worthwhile to investigate updating the code to something more recent.
*Tim McCarthy* *Principal Consultant*
Clustered ONTAP Clustered ONTAP NCDA ID: XK7R3GEKC1QQ2LVD RHCE5 805007643429572 NCSIE ID: C14QPHE21FR4YWD4 Expires: 08 November 2014 Expires w/release of RHEL7 Expires: 08 November 2014
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Randy Rue wrote:
Hello All,****
I have a 3020 running 7.2.4 that is failing to respond to SSH commands when they’re sent one at a time. I can ssh in as root and get a shell via putty or ssh. But if I try to send an “uptime” command I get either “FATAL ERROR: Server unexpectedly closed network connection” (from plink) or “Connection to carbon-b closed by remote host.” from ssh.****
Also, when I’m logged in interactively, I see lots of this blowing across the console:****
carbon-b> receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
Try again.****
receive signals: rsh protocol failure in circuit setup. 300 received****
We have lots of processes (monitoring, alerting, scripted processes) that touch this box via non-interactive SSH, is each of these errors some failed attempt to connect?****
If I understand the inner workings correctly, pretty much all admin traffic on a filer channels into an internal RSH pipe. Are there different pipes for interactive and non-interactive SSH? I have tried stopping and restarting SSH (options ssh.enable off and on). Also RSH (options rsh.enable off and on). No love.****
Anyone have any ideas?****
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