On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 tkaczma@gryf.net wrote:
Also usually the address of the trunk is the address of the "head" interface and the subsequent interfaces in the trunk are sequentially numbered so the two bit port sequence numbers derived above map directly into the last two bits of the port addresses.
Ugggh, I think I went a bit too far. There really shouldn't be any relationship between MAC adresses of the ports and the port numbers as seen by the switch, e.g. you connect port x:x:x:x:00 to the third port on the switch, and x:x:x:x:x:01 to the second. In fact I think NetApp claims that the MAC addresses of all the interfaces in an aggregate are all one address. Come to think of it, why? I'm sure the answer is in the developing standard. If there is some explicit advertisement/negotiation between the host and the switch then it shouldn't matter what the MAC is. The switch must have had known it per port anyway even without trunking.