Hi Jaye,
You don't say what model of filer you are using. I have a F230 running 5.2.1 connected to a 3COM 3900 and I see output errors (but not input errors) on the filer interface and these show up as CRC (or FCS as 3COM call them) errors on the switch port. I'm seeing about 0.03% errors. Netapp support says not to worry about this level of errors.
Both are 100Mbps full duplex with no auto negotiate.
I moved the filer to a Extreme Summit S48 and a different cable run and I still see the CRC errors.
From: Jaye Mathisen[SMTP:mrcpu@internetcds.com] Sent: 16 April 1999 08:49 To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Anybody using 3com switches with NetAPP?
I have both my ports on a linkswitch 3000, at 100mb, full-duplex.