Hi, i´ve got a FAS940 and i´m trying to set up it, on windows 2000 environment.
When i try to connect the FAS to the Domain, EPM_BOG, the system needs to restart CIFS services, when the system restart i receive the next error:
CIFS -> General Setup
Applied - please note the following:CIFS License:cifs license enabled. Run cifs setup to enable cifs. Setup:CIFS could not start. See log. Filer FAS940 removed from workgroup WORKGROUP CIFS - could not determine domain type. Assuming NT4 domain CIFS - Connecting filer to the NT4 domain.
CIFS local server is shutting down...
Then, i cant access the FAS from any server, i cannot access the FAS, please anybody van help me?
Helberth Alexis Osorio O. Professional Services Manager
Information Technologies de Colombia "INTEK" Teléfono: (57-1)6206370 ext 15 Fax: (57-1)6206365 Celular: (57-315)3108457 Santafé de Bogotá, D.C. Colombia www.intek.com.co