I had a need to transfer transfer a large amount of data between two filers, one running OnTAP 5.3.4 and one running OnTAP 5.3.4R2. I ran a level 0 ndmpcopy the day before the cutover, and then a level 1 the night of the cutover, in order to minimize downtime. However, after doing a compare of file sizes after the transfer, I found that some files which had been modified since the level 0 did not have the proper size on the destination.
Here is an example. Toaster1 is the source, and toaster2 is the destination. I have added some comments in UPPER CASE.
-------- # cd /toaster1/test # ls -l total 80 -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 37817 Jan 31 15:54 testfile SIZE OF ORIGINAL FILE IS 37817 BYTES.
# rsh toaster1 snap create vol0 testndmp creating snapshot....................................
# ndmpcopy toaster1:/vol/vol0/.snapshot/testndmp/test toaster2:/vol/vol0/test -level 0 Password: Connecting to toaster1. Connecting to toaster2. toaster1: CONNECT: Connection established. toaster2: CONNECT: Connection established. toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: Using subtree dump toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon Jan 31 15:55:38 2000. toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch. [NORMAL LOOKING DUMP/RESTORE OUTPUT] toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: DUMP IS DONE toaster1: HALT: The operation was successful! Waiting for toaster2 to halt too. toaster2: HALT: The operation was successful! The transfer is complete. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 37 seconds.
# rsh toaster1 snap delete testndmp deleting snapshot....................................
# cd /toaster2/test # ls -l total 68928 -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 37817 Jan 31 15:54 testfile -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 35213312 Jan 31 15:57 restore_symboltable SIZE OF COPY IS 37817 BYTES, AS EXPECTED.
# cd /toaster1/test # vi testfile # ls -l total 80 -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 37639 Jan 31 16:02 testfile I HAVE MODIFIED THE FILE, SO IT IS NOW SHORTER (37639 BYTES).
# rsh -n toaster1 snap create vol0 testndmp creating snapshot....................................
# ndmpcopy toaster1:/vol/vol0/.snapshot/testndmp/test toaster2:/vol/vol0/test -level 1 Password: Connecting to toaster1. Connecting to toaster2. toaster1: CONNECT: Connection established. toaster2: CONNECT: Connection established. toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: Using subtree dump toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: Date of this level 1 dump: Mon Jan 31 16:03:47 2000. toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: Date of last level 0 dump: Mon Jan 31 15:55:38 2000. [NORMAL LOOKING DUMP/RESTORE OUTPUT] toaster1: LOG: DUMP: toaster1: LOG: DUMP IS DONE toaster1: HALT: The operation was successful! Waiting for toaster2 to halt too. toaster2: HALT: The operation was successful! The transfer is complete. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 38 seconds.
# cd /toaster2/test # ls -l total 68928 -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 37817 Jan 31 16:02 testfile -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 35213312 Jan 31 16:05 restore_symboltable THE TIMESTAMP ON THE COPY HAS CHANGED, BUT IT IS STILL 37817 BYTES!
# cd / # umount /toaster2 # mount toaster2:/vol/vol0 /toaster2 # cd /toaster2/test # ls -l total 68928 -rw-r--r-- 1 root other 37817 Jan 31 16:02 testfile -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 35213312 Jan 31 16:05 restore_symboltable UNMOUNTED AND REMOUNTED TO MAKE SURE IT WASN'T A CACHING ISSUE. --------
Can anyone tell me what I might have done wrong?
-- Deron Johnson djohnson@amgen.com