Remember to look at the "real" numbers. In other words, how many filesystems are used (1 in the case of the 24 node GX cluster, 2 in the case of most if not all netapp clusters, 1 in the case of nearly all the rest of the netapp cases, everybody else usually use an obscene/unrealistic number of filesystems)
The one real flaw I think is in this benchmark is that it pretty much evenly distributes I/O evenly across all filesystems. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----Original Message----- From: "Robert K. Borowicz"
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:32:05 Subject: Re: RAC install on NetApp
Toast{ed} types,
What is the benchmark site or reference paper I should look at for NFS perf numbers for filers?
The below scenario is getting interesting in that the NFS clients (RAC hosts) are Sun T2000's with known on-board GigE driver issues. We are patching as I type...
As a brainless test this morning I took *off* the "noac" mount setting and get 4-5X the perf then with it.
I see myself going down that fabled path of "well if its a 3020 with GigE and CAT 6509 infra no jumbo frames you *should* get X perf" It would be good to compare with some conservative and reasonable numbers somebody else already wrote down.
And no EMC guys allowed to play here.
TIA as always,
-----Original Message----- From: Robert K. Borowicz [] Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 10:32 AM Pacific Standard Time To: Subject: RAC install on NetApp
My DBA just came to me and complained that a Ora RAC 10g build took 18 hours when using a Filer NFS mount. Seems I've heard of this issue before but forget the fix. Has someone seen this before ?