On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 11:08:31AM -0400, Brian Tao wrote:
I'd like this as well... do a "level 0" dump today, and then
*only* do incremental dumps after that. This is "incremental" as in "what-changed-since-the-last-dump-of-any-type" vs. "differential" as in "what-changed-since-the-last-full-dump".
Great clarification of terms there, Brian. =)
Here's the jndmpcopy usage:
% ./jndmpcopy testusage: JNdmpcopy src_filer:/src/dir dst_filer:/dst/dir [-o options_file] [-sa none | user:password] [-da none | user:password] [-sport ndmp_src_port] [-daddr dest_ip_addr] [-dport ndmp_dest_port] [-level 0-9|i] [-exclude exclude_string] [-version ndmp_version] [-v] [-q] [-h]
Here's a snipit from README2 in the package:
-level 0-9|i The level of the dump to use. 0 is a dump of the full tree, 1 is the incremental since the level 0, level 2 is the incremental since the level 1, ...
For ONTAP 5.3 and later, level 'i' is the incremental since the last level 'i' (effectively incrementals forever).
You can get jndmpcopy at:
-- Jeff