G D Geen,
Please find the following email to identify the EMC email list/archive as you requested.
/Christian Adams System Engineer EMC
Resent-From: emc-request@interex.org Resent-Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:51:32 -0800 (PST) X-Sender: bill@proaxis.com X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32) Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 15:48:19 -0800 To: emc@interex.org, haforum@interex.org From: Bill Lancaster bill@proaxis.com X-Mailing-List: emc@interex.org archive/latest/2 X-Loop: emc@interex.org Resent-Sender: emc-request@interex.org Subject: [EMC:2] Welcome!
Hello and welcome to all who have joined the EMC list! The list was just created this week and now has 127 people signed up! Clearly, you all have an interested in seeing a public forum for users of EMC equipment.
The genesis of this list came through meetings held between the Interex High Availability Forum members and various EMC staff at EMC headquarters in December. (There is also a listserver specializing in HP-related High Availability issues, including EMC issues). The High Availability Forum Executive Committee members are:
Myself (Bill Lancaster), co-chair Chuck Ciesinski, co-chair Isaac Blake Steve Guzzi Chris Rink Gary Maness Wesley Sawyer Deb Lawson (Interex liaison)
Bob Yach is chairing the EMC SIG.
I'd like to start the ball rolling by asking all of you what your discussion interests are for this list. Do you have any pressing concerns that you would like to throw open for discussion? I understand that several EMC personnel are participating in this list so you should stand a good chance getting answers to issues/questions. What kind of EMC equipment are you using? How has it added to your high availability?
Jump on in!
Bill Lancaster bill@proaxis.com
-----Original Message----- From: G D Geen [SMTP:geen@msp.sc.ti.com] Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 7:02 AM To: rhodesr@firstenergycorp.com Cc: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Re: remote support issues
If you have problems with support, bring it to the attention of your Sales Advisor. NetApp is very good about communicating internally the issues of their customers. Also some very heavy hitters at NetApp read this mail list. So use this forum to address your concerns. Please note, NetApp is not the only provider of network filers out there. If you are not happy, ask Auspex why they don't have a mail list like this. I did and was surprised by the answer. I have not asked EMC about a mail list yet, but I am interested in hearing the answer.