- How long does the upgrade take ? The docs only say hours (in an event that I need to revert back)
On a smaller filer, the filesystem conversion only took a few minutes. But this was a largely empty box.
- Has anyone found a need to revert back ? Why ?
We ran into to some trouble with snapmirror. Support said that some aspect of it was broken and suggested we revert to 6.5.
Here's a hint. In the 3 step procedure to revert (download, revert_to, bye), don't leave out step 2... *ouch* (*blush*)
- Available Volume space I believe that as part of the upgrade DOT has to go and change all of the inodes. Are there any implications as far as available space in a volume ? Do I need to make sure that I have some n% of free space ?
It probably needs a bit of space, but I don't know how much. It shouldn't be a large amount.
- How did you deal with the new /etc/exports ? I use /etc/netgroups and it seems that I need to totally rewrite the /etc/exports file since '-access' is no longer supported
They are rewritten by the process. I saved a copy anyway, but didn't end up doing anything with it.