:As far as using it for Exchange, *I* would, but that's me. :Generally, Microsoft and NFS don't mix well, even though :they give lots of lip service to it.
To my knowledge MS and NFS don't mix well... but have you heard that NetApp Filers have been directly supporting SMB (or CIFS) protocol for years now. You don't have to use NFS to put Exchange or any other data on the filer. We use CIFS, which Microsoft also uses for NT networking. So you use the clients software and protocols native to Windows Platform machines.
You simply license CIFS, add the filer to an NT4 or Windows 2000 domain (or run the filer in 'workgroup mode') and your clients see the filer 'just like' an NT4 member server. ...
... but that is the subject of another thread that I really don't want to start right now *grin* Its the weekend after all!