On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, E Hunter wrote:
Can anyone fill me in on the use of this _wac_ command , what it does, how often it needs to be done, and whehter or not the filer requires downtime to do it?
It is wack, from WAFL Check, a play on UNIX's fsck. Actually it is a collection of filesystem check commands beginning with wack and ending with a letter (z and y come to mind). If you have no hardware bizarre hardware failures or do not encounter some exotic bug you shouldn't have to do it at all. I really remember doing this only once on one filer (we have about 20) and it was due to FC-AL flakiness which was later rectified. I believe that running all incantations of this command requires downtime. Recently NetApp solicited some input as to whether they should engineer another wack command that would minimize downtime and provide a means to profilactically verify filesystem integrity.
Sincerely; Tom