On 4/27/07, Suresh Rajagopalan SRajagopalan@williamoneil.com wrote:
I need to migrate a 1.4Tb lun from one filer to another with minimal downtime (< 30 mins). So clearly some copying of data has to be done prior to the actual move.
Would snapmirror or flexclone be the most appropriate for this? I'm not sure how I would get a consistent copy of the lun over to the other filer. This is not a database, the lun contains flat files on NTFS.
If those are your only choices, I'd go for snapmirror. Get a baseline transfer going, when it's done unmap the LUN, fire off a snapmirro update, and map the LUN on the new filer. Pretty seamless.
You could also try the incremental option of ndmpcopy, if you don't have snapmirror at hand :)