Isn't it the exact purpose of Unix' vnodes, and NT's redirectors ? The network file system inventors tried to attack this issue, so if applications aren't written correctly, this is not on the file server to solve, this is on the app. writer side...
--- Mark D Simmons wrote:
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 01:35:13PM +0100, Richard wrote:
I know this is not really, a question that applies just to Netapp's
but at the moment
I am looking at a SAN that allows the shared remote disk array to
be seen by a NT
system as if it is a local disk drive (this helps make frontpage
happy). And I am trying
to find a way to do this with a Netapp as a remote filestore, surly
someone has written
a NTFS filesystem driver for NT that reads from a network drive,
but presents itself as
a local drive? If a SAN can offer this it must be possible?
I've informally mentioned that the same thing would be very nice on Unix too, both in the distant, and recent past.
Currently I manage no filers so I cannot really RFE this.
As a concept it's in serious conflict with the appliance philosphy. However, I think the benefits to some users might even justify their stumping up cash separately to buy it..
-- -Mark ... an Englishman in Derby ...
===== Yours, Eyal Traitel, Home: 972-3-5290415 (Tel Aviv) *** eTraitel - it's the new eBuzzword ! ***
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