I created a new top level directory in my volume group (/vol/vol0) some time ago and now want to remove it, but the .snapshot directory contained there in is preventing me from doing so.
This is from my admin host system:
rm -fr XYZ rm: Unable to remove directory XYZ/.snapshot/nightly.1/ABC: Read-only file system rm: Unable to remove directory XYZ/.snapshot/nightly.2/ABC: Read-only file system rm: Unable to remove directory XYZ/.snapshot/nightly.3/ABC: Read-only file system
I was able to remove ABC from XYZ/
Will the snapshots eventually roll out? Do I need to turn something off?
Looks like you are mounting /vol/vol0/XYZ and then trying to remove XYZ. Try mounting /vol/vol0 instead and then you should be able to remove XYZ.
The .snapshot directory is visible at the NFS mount point, but invisible in subdirectories. When doing rm -fr the NFS client will try to remove the .snapshot directory if it is visible.
Steve Losen scl@virginia.edu phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support