You might be out of luck with standard tools. DUMP can work with an un-intelligent library. If you put the library into "sequential" mode (if it exists...many new libraries do not have this, like my ADIC i500)
Then when you dump, you specify the unload/reload device: urst0a (or whatever the number/letter happens to be)
I do recall seeing some free ndmp library tools that can be integrated into dump scripts that also work with the seqential mode on tape libraries.
good luck.
On 12/14/06, Brian Pascal wrote:
Does anyone has an experience in configuring a native FC Quantum PX502 Tape Library to a R200 through a Brocade FC switch? I'm trying to get this setup configured by using only "dump" utility in DataOntap and without using a third party backup software to manage the library module.
R200 can see the both Library module & the tape drive. If I issue the "dump" command directly to device "st0" (drive) i can take backup's but i'm clueless on how to get use of the library module "mc0" to do the library management + obtain backup's.
Has anyone currently using a Quantum PX502 Native FC library with a R200? (without using a third party backup software like Veritas Netbackup)
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