i downloaded and compiled ndmpcopy1.2 and am trying to copy a dir from one 740 (blender) to another 740 (grinder). the syntax i use is
ndmpcopy blender:/vol/vol1/home/oldlocal grinder:/vol/vol1 -level 0
it prompts me for a password and it looks like it is doing it. the source filer starts an ndmp dump session and the target filer starts an ndmp restore session and i get this output:
Connecting to blender. Connecting to grinder. blender: CONNECT: Connection established. grinder: CONNECT: Connection established. blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: creating "/vol/vol1/../snapshot_for_backup.52" snapshot. blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: Using subtree dump blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Apr 24 11:43:11 2001. blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch. blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: Dumping /vol/vol1/home/oldlocal/ to NDMP connection blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: mapping (Pass I)[regular files] blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: mapping (Pass II)[directories] blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: estimated 501871 KB. blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: dumping (Pass III) [directories] grinder: LOG: RESTORE: grinder: LOG: Tue Apr 24 11:41:57 2001: Begin level 0 restore grinder: LOG: RESTORE: grinder: LOG: Tue Apr 24 11:41:58 2001: Reading directories from tape blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files] grinder: LOG: RESTORE: grinder: LOG: Tue Apr 24 11:42:01 2001: Creating files and directories. grinder: LOG: RESTORE: grinder: LOG: Warning: cannot create directory etc: File exists grinder: LOG: RESTORE: grinder: LOG: Tue Apr 24 11:42:16 2001: Writing data to files. grinder: LOG: RESTORE: grinder: LOG: Tue Apr 24 11:45:02 2001: Restoring NT ACLs (if any). blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: dumping (Pass V) [ACLs] blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: 502315 KB blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: DUMP IS DONE blender: LOG: DUMP: blender: LOG: Deleting "/vol/vol1/../snapshot_for_backup.52" snapshot. grinder: HALT: The operation was successful! Waiting for blender to halt too. The transfer was successful, but the source filer hasn't halted yet. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 4 minutes, 40 seconds.
blender: HALT: The operation was successful! The transfer is complete. Elapsed time: 0 hours, 5 minutes, 38 seconds.
using df it looks like it copied something to the volume but there is nothing there. i unmounted and remounted and still nothing. what am i missing? also it says it is trying to create etc?? there isn't an etc dir in my source dir. that makes it seem as if it is trying to copy from the root level but it shouldn't be and this is real scary.
any help would be appreciated
Roger D. Leonard Senior Network Analyst Marconi Communications