Thanks to those that replied. What I saw was responses about performance. I'm not really worried about performance. What I'm worried about is some desktop gone haywire (HW prob or virius) hammering or even crashing my Filer which would of course be unacceptable to my Oracle env.
To illuminate more: I too am direct connecting my Sun/Oracle machines to my filer. Works great. I also have dedicated disk/volumes to Oracle. I did *NOT* isolate a shelf/loop to Oracle. (a little more tricky no?) Soon I'll be using two Cisco 3550 Gig Fiber switches to collapse up to a dozen machines into 2 (Now) and later this year 4 Gig Filer NICs.
Sounds like most are mixing CIFS sharing with Oracle on Sun over NFS on the same Filer and are fine with that. And if possible dedicating a Filer (depending on the size of the enterprise) to Oracle over NFS services.
Thanks for the comments.
Robert Borowicz wrote: I may be asking the obvious here but who dedicates their Oracle->Filer traffic to just *one* Filer? IE: That Filer *ONLY* handles Oracle->NFS->Filer traffic.
Our CIFS traffic has grown significantly since we bought our FAS940 and I'm now dubious about mixing CIFS/Desktop services with Enterprise critical Oracle services.
Currently we have a few small DB's (read-only) on the Filer but are moving to step things up over the next year with Regards to Oracle. (we are looking at RAC).
So: Would ALAWYS or SOMETIMES or NEVER mix Oracle and Desktop Filer services on one filer? :-)
-Bob B.