Has anybody run into locking issues with their filers?
Basically, we are seeing the following problems:
- Sun Solaris 2.5.1 client tries to lock a file - the lock succeeds (it is the only client/process trying to get the the lock) - the process completes and attempts to release the lock - the process hangs because the kernel never clears the lock
Our filer (f540, 8MB write cache, 256MB read) is running DataONTAP 4.2a. We are using NFS v3 over udp. hard mounts, noint.
So, has anybody seen something like this?
The common thread that all the processes have is that they are all perl scripts.
I am looking at SunSolve for clues. Seems there have been some patches that touch on the locking. We will be testing these over the next few days.
Oh, and all the lock problems started when we went from 4.01c to 4.2a.
Any help would be appreciated.