From: Michal Zalewski lcamtuf@DIONE.IDS.PL But in this case, with something around 9850 characters, our connection to proxy server is immediately dropped... sounds familiar? I believe it's an overflow.
Nope. Our default window size is about 8K. The socket is probably about the same. If an error closes the socket before you've finished writing, you're likely to see a write error rather than a polite error message.
Another way to access it (urm, I mean, cause crash) is something like: 'GET disk_object://xx/AAAAA...'. Btw. I'm wondering there's anything interesting available to download this way?
Static gifs and docs. Perhaps it would have been better to protect them against unauthorized access, but since anyone who wants them can get them by purchasing a cache and we don't view the docs as a profit center, it didn't strike us as a high priority.
Aaaah, almost forgotten! Any file within disk_object hierarchy might be downloaded as-is by appending '/' to URL - for example, 'disk_object://xx/help/graphics/help.gif/' will return text/plain dump of this GIF. This means, NetCache fails to classify this file, so if there's any script or other special object, it won't be recognized as something 'special'?
If we had any secret scripts accessible as disk_objects, this might be a problem. Since we don't, this is merely a clever way to confuse your browser.
Just to make everything clear - I haven't shell access to running NetCache box, so I cannot verify I'm absolutely right - eg. if there's anything interesting within disk_objects or what extactly happens, but I think there's absolutely something wrong, and there's no excuse for poor, even commercial, code.
Our code is not perfect, but the absolute opinions expressed are absolutely wrong.
--bob-- Cache breaks, compiling Ash leaves shimmer beneath clouds, Nerf ball strikes face.