Just received the following mail. Thought it a little odd. Anyway else received something similar?
----- Forwarded message from linda linda@lscs.uk.com -----
From: "linda" linda@lscs.uk.com Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 21:49:27 +0100 (BST) Subject: UK NetApp User Group - UK Network Appliance User Group To: gavin@webtop.com
Dear Gavin
My company was recently approached by Network Appliance UK Limited to look into the viability of establishing a UK User Group for its customers. With over five years' experience creating and running Independent User Groups within the IT industry we believe NetApp customers would benefit from such a forum today. (I will be delighted to send you a copy of our membership overview document for the proposed User Group, to be known as UK NetApp User Group on request.)
To date we have randomly selected and engaged with a number of NetApp customers to gauge their reaction to the concept of UKNetAppUG and initial feedback has been extremely positive! One recurring recommendation from these customers has been that we survey NetApp's entire customer base to gain a true reflection of their collective views on some of the more important issues.
In line with this objective, we have developed a short survey form (below) designed to give us an indication of whether NetApp customers' would prefer to see either an independent structure or a vendor led approach. This survey will also help us to create an agenda for an inaugural UKNetAppUG meeting (planned for May) that will reflect prospective members' priorities.
Please take a few moments to complete the survey form below and email it back to me. (If you prefer, I can send you a Word document that can be conveniently completed on screen or on paper. This can then be emailed, faxed or posted back to me.)
To compensate you for the few minutes of your time it will take to complete the survey, I've managed to secure from NetApp some "goodies". All completed responses received will be entered into a prize draw and the first 15 responses drawn will receive : -
A four piece wine/champagne set consisting of a bottle stopper, champagne stopper, corkscrew and oyster knife. All in stainless steel and enclosed in a smart black wooden presentation box.
So please send back your completed forms today. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes, Linda Symons LSCS Ltd. 07770 420937 01344 481267
once you have completed the survey please email back to me at Linda@lscs.uk.com
UKNETAPP User Group Survey
Please take a moment to complete this questionnaire - your comments and suggestions are essential for shaping the future of this group.
Once you have completed your form please email your reply to Linda@lscs.uk.com. All entries will be entered into a prize draw giving you the opportunity to win User Group Prizes
Please indicate by ticking your choice 1. User Group Membership
I feel my organisation would benefit from joining a UKNetApp User group. YES [ ] NO [ ]
2. Independence
I want an independently run user group YES [ ] NO [ ] I am happy to pay an independent membership fee YES [ ] NO [ ] I want a user group run by NetApp YES [ ] NO [ ] I am happy to pay NetApp a membership fee YES [ ] NO [ ]
3. To assist in setting the agenda for our inaugural meeting please indicate on a scale of 1-5 the priority of the topics you would like to see covered on the agenda and how long you have been using them and the approx number of boxes you have.
Product Scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest Less than 6months & no of boxes 6 to 18 months & no of boxes More than 18 months & no of boxes Storage Windows/NT consolidation
Storage UNIX consolidation
Storage Oracle
Storage Microsoft Exchange
R100 Nearline Storage Device
NetCache as a forward Proxy
NetCache as a reverse proxy
NetCache Streaming media & Video on Demand
Prize draw please print your name, company, country, telephone no, and email address and add any additional comments ================================================================ Title (Mr., Ms., etc.): Forename: Surname: Job title: Company/Organisation: Street address 1: Street address 2: City/County: Post Code: Country: Phone: Fax: Email:
----- End forwarded message -----