Do you need a cleaning tape barcode label? Assumes your library uses barcodes of course, I don't know the device myself. The StorageTek libraries I have used required them.
Mike Miller General Dynamics Information Technology Phone: 618-229-1185
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of tmac Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:00 PM To: Subject: Drive cleaning
I have:
2 x R200(, 1 x FAS980(, 1 x Brocade 3850 (5.2.0a) Scalar i500 (320) with 3 x LTO-3 (IBM, 64D0) All connected through FC switch. Th library is licensed for 82 slots. 80 of them have LTO3 tapes 2 of them are cleaning tapes
I run the auto-configure on Veritas. It picks up the library on all three filers, only uses the library on one (as expected). It sees three paths to each of the tape drives (also as expected) The inventory scans all the media and sees 82 tapes. I tell it ID 99 & 100 are the cleaning tapes.
I can create policies and backup without any problems.
Veritas NBU 6.0 (and MP2, MP3 & MP4) has a problem trying to clean the tape drives. When I try to manually clean one I get the following:
(96) unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available
Detailed status: requesting resource IBM.ULTRIUM-TD3:001:__ANY__ Error nbjm (pid=22634) NBU status: 96, EMM status: No media is available unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available (96)
Every time, it is the same.
TapeAlert shows enabled for the drives.
Anyone have any ideas?