"Anissa" == Mohler,Anissa Anissa.Mohler@netapp.com wrote the following on Fri, 31 Mar 2000 16:22:45 -0800
Anissa> You have hit the issue exactly... basically can't do that in 95 - Anissa> not on Filers or NT Servers. Here are the two options I explored Anissa> in my implementation of a filer in a CIFS only environment at my Anissa> old job. I ended up using option #2 with batch files to ease the Anissa> pain. I just couldn't get kixtart to run consistently. You can Anissa> do some searches on MS's web site exact command to add in your Anissa> batch file to automatically assign the user home directory in the Anissa> NT Profile. Unfortunately I don't have the batch file myself Anissa> anymore.
Thanks for the info. Are there any plans to support variable expansion a la SAMBA? For example, sample allows you to define a share using "%u", which gets expanded to the username on the SAMBA side. That llows you to put "\samba-server\home" in the logon script, and have SAMBA do the exapansion for you.
-- Timothy Demarest ArrayComm, Inc. demarest@arraycomm.com 2480 North 1st Street, Suite 200 http://www.arraycomm.com San Jose, CA 95131