To join a NT4 domain you have to create a computeraccount for the filer in the domain first. If you are joining an AD "domain" you can create the account from the command line on the filer when you run cifs setup.
The reason your users are not able to access the filer in workgroup mode is probably your old ONTAP release. In 5.x you have to connect with plain text passwords. If the clients connecting are NT4 or later they will try to use encrypted passwords.
To turn off encrypted passwords: NT4: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Rdr\Parameters On the Edit menu, click Add Value. Add the following: Value Name: EnablePlainTextPassword Data Type: REG_DWORD Data: 1 Click OK and then quit Registry Editor. Shut down and restart Windows NT.
W2K: Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Local Security Policy. On the Security Setting folder, click to expand Local Policies, and then double-click Security Options. Double-click: Microsoft Network Client: Send unencrypted passwords to connect to third-party SMB servers , and then click the Enabled radio button.
-----Original Message----- From: Kale, Nandkishor [mailto:Nandkishor_Kale@bmc.com] Sent: 18. desember 2003 06:02 To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: Acceesing Filer in Workgroup mode.
Hi all,
I am running Netapp F230 with Netapp Release 5.2.1, The Filer was a member of a domain, but the users were migrated to another domain, so I ran cifs setup & tried to join it to a new domain, it is throwing up an error, that a computer account has to be created for it to join the domain. Since creating a Computer account is going to take a long time (Dont ask me why..... there are so many issues to that. ). I tried to join it back to the old domain, to my bad luck the security information has been changed, & a new computer account cannot be created in that domain as it is being phased out. So I am stuck now.
So I have made it as a member of a workgroup, but users are not able to access the filer, How do you create local users on the filer so that users can logon with that credentials. Or can somebody suggest me a better way of accessing the filer.
Regards Manjunath HN