I've had a 220 for a little over a year (how's that for short lived?) now and have recently purchased a 520. I'm pretty happy with both.
Regarding Mark's question above, I was told by my local sales rep should I ever want to trade in the 220 for a higher end system I would receive a *full* price trade-in credit for what I paid towards a new system. Was this just a sales pitch line to close the deal or does Mark not know that Network Appliance has such a policy?
I'm not sure it's a company wide policy. We had a 400, and when it was EOL'd and we had to buy a new system, when we asked what the trade in value was, it was much less than what we'd paid. We ended up using it as spare parts and sysadmin bribes (Here, have some RAM. Here, have some hard drives.) Now that the 450's been EOL'd, we've been swaping down the scale. (We gave our 330 to another group, retired the project that had the 540, shipped the 540 up to replace the 220, and shipped the 220 down to replace the 450.)
I'm not sure what we'll do with the 450. It is a pity they EOL so quickly.