On 09/27/2013 12:18 PM, Martin wrote:
As you mentioned high CPU, have you recently freed up space on the aggregate and have block reclamation running?
I've seen it before where I have done a large delete and the free space doesn't show on the aggregate? I am not sure what happens if you resize a vol which needs free space from the aggregate which hasn't been freed yet?
You can see the block reclamation in "priv set advanced" and "wafl scan status".
On earlier version of Ontap the block reclamation could thrash the CPU and on later version it was throttled but the downside is the Filer doesn't free blocks as quick when doing deletes and the Filer CPU is high.
I hadn't deleted anything else from the aggr, only tried to grow the volume with the space avail.
Here is the output from wafl scan status for the aggregate and volume:
*> wafl scan status -A aggr0 Aggregate aggr0: Scan id Type of scan progress 5 active bitmap rearrangement fbn 2690 of 29504 w/ max_chain_len 19
*> wafl scan status -V storage Volume storage: Scan id Type of scan progress 2 active bitmap rearrangement fbn 23823 of 25786 w/ max_chain_len 3
Both are actively increasing. I wonder if the space will show up after it finishes the rearrangement?
I also noticed in you vol output it shows:
volume guarantees are disabled because you don't have enough space to guarantee the the space allocated to the volume.
Could this be from me running the vol size command twice?