Is it a dumbing down or an automation of common steps?
I agree. I think it is automation. But, maybe i dont want it.
How about -UpdateExportsFile or a -DontUpdateExportsFile to go along with vol create
If you are going to "automate" something, make sure you give people a way out of it. Your idea of automation might interfere with someone else's idea of control.
You have to remember that is what programming is all about:
- finding common blocks of functionality and wrapping them in a function.
- reducing the human interaction.
hmm. agreed...sorta.
The idea of programming is to "solve a problem". From the reaction on this list, looks like the automation created more problems than solved.
If i see more emails which say "thanks for automation the vol creation tom", i will be forced to think otherwise.
So, instead, lets solve old RFE's like ACL's for nfs first.