Bryano wrote:
Is there anyway to remove 3 disks from this volume?
There's no way to do it without downtime, and it will be tricy if you have less that 2 spare disks. If you have at least 2 spare disks, you can do as follows:
1. create a new volume, say /vol/root 2. vol restrict /vol/root 3. vol copy /vol/vol0 /vol/root 4. vol online root 5. vol options root root 6. reboot
Or, if you want the new volume to be named vol0,
6. vol rename vol0 vol0_old 7. vol rename root vol0 8. reboot
After the reboot make sure everyting is working OK. Remove the old volume:
1. vol offline vol0_old (or vol0 if you didn't rename the old volume) 2. vol destroy vol0_old